We’re delighted to announce that we were recently appointed to look after the corporate pension arrangements of Holroyd Ltd. Late last year Holroyd took the decision to use our Managed Pension Service, recognising the need for employee advice that supported their own strong pensions culture and commitment to staff welfare.
With over 200 staff across three sites, scheme implementation commenced in January with a start date of April 2012. As part of the transition we’ve achieved a 25% reduction in charges and now deliver annual face to face advice in the workplace.
It’s early days but the work doesn’t stop here, we’re now contracted to deliver individual advice in the workplace over the coming years ensuring the Holroyd staff make the most of the pension arrangement and plan effectively for their future retirement.
We always welcome feedback with Don Whittle, HR Director, kind enough to send the email below. We’ll do everything we can to maintain the high standards we set ourselves.