Last week the Government announced its plans to move from the ‘containment’ phase of the COVID-19 outbreak, to ‘delay’. Over the last week we’ve been preparing to deliver an uninterrupted service to you, whilst adhering to government guidelines and seeking to protect yourself and our employees.
Primarily, we would like all our clients to understand that our Consultants are available by phone at any time to answer questions and to provide advice.
Notwithstanding, during the ‘delay’ phase of the Government’s COVID-19 action plan:
- Our customer service helpdesks will remain open and we will continue to answer calls and respond to email queries as usual.
- If you have an annual review meeting scheduled with one of our Consultants over the next couple of months, you may wish to do this remotely via telephone. We are able to provide all the relevant documentation to you prior to the meeting
- Of course, our website will continue to operate as usual and will be regularly updated, allowing you to keep up to date with specific market commentary.
All our Consultants are equipped to work remotely from the office, so should we need to close the office in the future then you can still get in touch via your Consultants mobile phone. Contact details can be found here on our website.
We are mindful that this a very fluid and developing situation and we will aim to keep you as informed as possible should that change.
We would encourage you to stay up to date with guidance from the Government and, more importantly, please stay safe.