Can you survive an unexpected loss of income? Financial planning Can you survive an unexpected loss of income? One in three (33%) of us are spending more than our salary or are just…Diane PhillipsMay 21, 2012
Stick or switch – current accounts Financial planning Stick or switch – current accounts There are 54 million current accounts in the UK, and they are big business for…Diane PhillipsApril 13, 2012
Finance Identity Theft – be on guard Financial planning Finance Identity Theft – be on guard Research undertaken by Infosecurity Europe, has uncovered that 42 per cent of a pool of…Diane PhillipsApril 13, 2012
Findings reveal head-in-the-sand attitude towards pensions Financial planningFor individuals Findings reveal head-in-the-sand attitude towards pensions Despite the recent strikes against cuts in public sector pensions, Aviva reports that most British…Diane PhillipsJanuary 13, 2012
Guaranteed Deposit Investments – too good to be true? Maybe not… Financial planningFor individuals Guaranteed Deposit Investments – too good to be true? Maybe not… Many investors are becomingly increasingly disappointed with the return they are receiving on cash held…Diane PhillipsJanuary 13, 2012
Generation gap – educating the young about finance Financial planningFor businessesFor individuals Generation gap – educating the young about finance Research by Aviva surveyed 2,000 UK consumers in July 2011, including 988 over 50s. The…Diane PhillipsOctober 30, 2011