A couple of years ago, I’d finished the job I was doing at the time and had recently turned 55. On the domestic front, I no longer had a mortgage, the second of our two kids had just left home and so it was a natural time to consider what to do next.
Someone had told me that pensions were very different these days and as I’d known some of the team at Cullen Wealth for many years (ever since school, in fact) I decided to approach them for some professional advice.
Paul Delargy, one of the advisers, confirmed that it would be worth looking at my pension arrangement as there might well be things I could do that I hadn’t been aware of. I’d worked in production management in manufacturing businesses mainly and also had had a period of self-employment and done some customer service consultancy.
This meant I’d had four separate periods of occupational service with different company pension schemes so I knew there could potentially be quite a lot of investigation needed. It seemed a complex job to me but Paul was very knowledgeable and offered some sensible recommendations.